Senin, 24 September 2012


diposkan oleh A Googler di Blogger Buzz
(Cross-posted from the Google Affiliate Network blog) Earlier this year, we launched Google Affiliate Ads for Blogger in the US and added new enhancements in June. The positive results and feedback we’ve received are very promising, and we’re excited to announce that this gadget is now available to Blogger users in the UK! To refresh your memory, Google Affiliate Ads for Blogger is a gadget ...
diposkan oleh A Googler di Blogger dalam Draf
In 2007, we introduced Blogger In Draft, a special version of Blogger where new features could reach users early and let people try new things. We also introduced the Blogger In Draft blog, and for the past five years, we’ve introduced new updates and options here, often before we told the rest of the world on our official blog, Buzz. With the recent launch of our Google+ page, we have another...

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